
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sometimes it's easy to get mired down by every day life.  But it's more difficult to see the good things that have happened to you and appreciate them.  Family, friends, work - all can let you down sometimes.  But only you can let life let you down.  I've always thought of life as one of those plastic clowns with the curved bottoms that you can punch and they spring back up.  There's no doubt about it, life can get challenging at times, but those times are just begging you to spring up and handle them.
It's also unimportant to be the most liked person in the world, because many of those people that are so popular rarely hold onto their own beliefs.  They are so busy pleasing others that they lose themselves.  Perhaps it's best to see life as a continual process of being the best YOU that you can be.  If you let others down, sure that can make you sad.  If you let yourself down, that can cripple you for life.  It's an ongoing mental decay that you see in many older people that never truly learned how to live.  The older people that I like are the opinionated ones, because they have the courage to be themselves.  We don't always agree, but we each try to state our opinions in a respectful way, because we will differ.  Understanding those differences and moving on with your life in your own way is the key.  Not trying to understand differences and being dogmatic is what usually leads to wars.  Verbal wars, physical wars and world wars; all cause damages that cannot be repaired.
Be the main character in your own novel, take possession and never let go.  It truly is your life.  No dress rehearsals allowed, you are center stage.  Get over the stage fright, over an mishaps and enjoy the occasional applause.

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